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  研究所主要围绕光机电一体化技术,开展可穿戴柔性电子器件喷射打印成型方法、织物摩擦纳米发电机一体化制备及多尺度性能调控方法、面向性能的非接触式精密测试理论与方法、嵌入式系统和物联网应用、旋转设备故障预测与健康管理(PHM)技术、工业3D视觉及应用 等方面的研究工作。




  邮箱: xiaoyuanjidian@xpu.edu.cn



  邮箱: yangpengcheng@xpu.edu.cn



  邮箱: 391000644@qq.com


  研究方向:嵌入式系统开发,非标测试系统开发,工业物联网开发与部署 等



  研究方向:机械故障诊断研究、机械状态在线监测及智能运维和NVH研究 等











  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:织物表面微细导电线路喷射打印化学沉积成形方法及机理,项目编号:51475350;

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:均匀铝微滴无支撑沉积多尺度波纹微通道零件的研究,项目编号:52005380;

  3. 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目:数据-知识混合驱动的齿面干涉测量系统数字孪生建模,项目编号:2022JM-219;

  4. 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,斜入式激光干涉测量中干涉条纹图像质量的优化策略研究,项目编号:2015JQ5196;

  5. 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,碳纳米管定向摩擦电界面微结构电喷印构筑方法及性能调控机理研究,项目编号:2023-JC-QN-0510;

  6. 陕西省科协青年人才托举计划,斜入式激光干涉测量中精度保障关键技术的研究,项目编号:20160124;

  7. 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划,基于静电纺丝的织物基柔性气体传感器制备及理论研究,项目编号:22JK0404;

  8. 陕西省教育厅基金青年项目,斜入式激光干涉测量中干涉条纹图像质量的优化方法研究,项目编号:15JK1324;

  9. 陕西省教育厅一般专项科研计划项目,面向人体动能收集的聚氨酯面料多层微孔摩擦纳米发电机熔融沉积方法及机理,项目编号:21JK0649;

  10. 陕西省重点实验室开放基金项目,大型工程机械传动齿轮形貌激光精密测量的关键技术研究,项目编号:300102259511;

  11. 广东省精密齿轮柔性制造装备技术企业重点实验室开放基金,基于5G与边缘计算的精密齿轮加工机床远程监控与诊断方法研究,项目编号:BS2018032021B1212050012-06;

  12. 英国威廉希尔柯桥纺织产业创新研究院重大项目,CNTs印染涤纶纱线成型柔性发热织物研究,项目编号:19KQZD12;


  [1] 肖渊,《织物基柔性器件喷射打印成形技术》(ISBN 978-7-5180-8988-8),中国纺织出版社,2022年3月1日.


  [1] Xiao Y, Hu H, Guo D, et al. A jet printing highly sensitive cotton/MWCNT fabric-based flexible capacitive sensor[J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2023, 351: 114152.

  [2] Xiao Y, Niu M, Yang L, et al. Integrated Triboelectric‐Electromagnetic‐Piezoelectric Self‐Rebounding Energy Harvester for Human Energy Harvesting[J]. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2022, 7(11): 2200340.

  [3] Yuan Xiao, Li Qian, Zhang C, Zhang W. Fabrication of Silver Electrical Circuits on Textile Substrates by Reactive Inkjet Printing[J]. IEEE sensor journal. 2022, 22(11): 11056-11064.

  [4] Xiao Y, Zhang C, Li Q, et al. Study on micro-scale 3D numerical modeling and droplet deposition of plain weave fabric[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2022, 36(4): 1739-1748

  [5] Xiao Y, Lv X, Yang L, et al. A High‐Performance Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on Double‐Sided Patterned TiN/PDMS Composite Film for Human Energy Harvesting[J]. Energy Technology. 2021, 9(12): 2100665

  [6] Xiao Yuan, Liu Huanhuan, Shen Song, Yang Pengcheng. Modelling of Droplet Deposition Shape on Fabric Surface using Spray Printing[J]. AATCC Journal of Research, 2020,7(01): 37-45.

  [7] 肖渊,李倩,张威,等. 微喷印原电池置换成型织物基柔性导电线路的影响因素研究[J]. 纺织学报. 2022, 43(10): 89-96.

  [8] 肖渊,李红英,李倩,等. 棉织物/聚二甲基硅氧烷复合介电层柔性压力传感器制备[J]. 纺织学报. 2021, 42(05): 79-83.

  [9] 肖渊,张威,王盼,等. 直接驱动型压电式喷头微滴产生过程数值模拟及试验研究[J]. 机械工程学报. 2020, 56(17): 233-239

  [10] 肖渊,王盼,张威,等. 织物表面导电线路喷射打印起始端凸起形成过程研究[J]. 纺织学报. 2020, 41(12): 81-86

  [11] 肖渊,尹博,李岚馨,刘欢欢.微滴喷射化学沉积工艺条件对成形银导线的影响[J].纺织学报,2019,40(05):78-83.

  [12] 肖渊,吴姗,刘金玲,等. 织物表面微滴喷射反应成形导电线路基础研究,机械工程学报, 2018 , (07):216-222.

  [13] 肖渊,李岚馨,尹博,刘欢欢.涤纶/碳纳米管柔性发热丝的制备及其性能[J].纺织学报,2018,39(09):90-94.

  [14] 肖渊,刘金玲,吴姗,等. 纸基RFID标签天线喷射打印化学反应沉积成形, 光学精密工程, 2017, 25(03):689-696.

  [15] 肖渊,刘金玲,申松,等. 织物表面微滴喷射打印沉积过程试验研究,纺织学报, 2017, 38(05):139-144.

  [16] Yu Zijian, Yang Pengcheng, et al. Valid measurement region segmentation method for the interferogram based on local fringe distribution features[J]. Optics Communications, 2023, 540(1): 129503.

  [17] Yang Pengcheng, Lian Liping, et al. Optical path modulation of interference fringe density based on position errors analysis in oblique laser interferometry, Optical Engineering, 2022, 61(12), 124112.

  [18] Yang Pengcheng, Dai Yuzhi, et al. Segmenting the Valid Measuring Region (VMR) Based on the Local Density Estimation in Oblique Laser Interferometry [J]. Laser in Engineering, 2021, 51 (1-5): 235-250.

  [19] Yang Pengcheng, Yang Sheqiang, et al. Calibration of Geometric Distortion based on a Reference Sheet in Oblique Laser Interferometry [J]. Optik, 2019, 183: 47-54.

  [20] Yang Pengcheng, Liu Yang, et al. Interferogram stitching method in measuring the form deviation of curved surface with laser interferometry[J]. Optics Communications, 2017, 387(15): 303-309.

  [21] Suping Fang, Yang Pengcheng, et al. Form deviation measurement of helical gear tooth flank with phase-shifting laser interferometry [J]. Laser in Engineering, 2014, 29 (1-2): 23-32.

  [22] Yang Pengcheng, Fang Suping, et al. Shield Analysis and Non-rigid Match in Positioning the Actual Interferogram on the Tooth Flank based on Oblique Incidence Interferometry [J]. 2013, Optik, 124(20): 4307–4312.

  [23] Yang Pengcheng, Fang Suping, et al. Autofocusing algorithm of interferogram based on object image and registration technology [J]. Applied Optics, 2012, 52(36): 8723-8731.

  [24] Yang Pengcheng, Fang Suping, et al. Correction method for segmenting valid measuring region of interference fringe patterns [J]. Optical Engineering, 2011, 50(9):095602.

  [25] 王兆辉, 杨鹏程,等. 齿面干涉测量系统的成像畸变分析与光路优化[J]. 中国机械工程, 2022, 33(10):1219-1225.

  [26] 徐晋,杨鹏程,肖渊,胥光申. 织物表面导电线路喷射打印中微滴关键参数的视觉测量[J]. 纺织学报,2021,429(7):137-143.

  [27] 杨朝,杨鹏程,等. 投影式幻影成像中局域几何畸变的校正方法研究[J]. 光子学报,2022,51(3):0311004.

  [28] 杨鹏程,刘洋,朱新栋,胥光申,肖渊. 基于物体像的干涉条纹图像中散斑噪声的识别方法[J]. 应用光学, 2017, 38(2): 21-26.

  [29] Yang Dai, Xiaojiang Zhong, Tao Xu, Xu, etc. High‐performance triboelectric nanogenerator based on electrospun PVDF‐Graphene Oxide nanosheet composite nanofibers[J]. Energy Technology,2023

  [30] 高兴,代阳,马训鸣等.SnO_2/MWCNTs/PVP电阻式柔性湿度传感器的制备及其性能研究[J].传感技术学报,2023,36(05):706-710.

  [31] Yang Dai, Tao Xu, Zhongqiang Feng, etc. Cotton flow velocity measurement based on image cross-correlation and Kalman filtering algorithm for foreign fibre elimination, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2022,113(10), 2135-2142

  [32] 代阳,杨楠楠,肖渊.静电纺碳纳米管电阻式柔性湿度传感器的制备及其性能[J].纺织学报,2021,42(06):51-56.

  [33] 代阳,杨建华,侯宏等.声管中的宽带脉冲法的水声材料吸声系数测量[J].声学学报,2017,42(04):476-484.

  [34] DAI Yang, YANG Jianhua, HOU Hong, CHEN Jianping, SUN Liang, SHI Jing. The absorption coefficient measurement of underwater materials in a water tube by using the wide-band pulse method, Chinese Journal of Acoustics, 2017, (02): 180-194

  [35] 代阳,杨建华,侯宏等.基于时域逆滤波的宽带脉冲声生成技术[J].西北工业大学学报,2015,33(04):688-693.

  [36] He D , Wang X , Li S , et al. Identification of multiple faults in rotating machinery based on minimum entropy deconvolution combined with spectral kurtosis[J]. Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2016, 81(Dec.):235-249.

  [37] He D , Wang X , Friswell M I , et al. Identification of modal parameters from noisy transient response signals[J]. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2017, 24(11):e2019.1-e2019.10.

  [38] He D, Ni Z, Wang X. Online grinding chatter detection based on minimum entropy deconvolution and autocorrelation function[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 120(9-10): 6175-6185.

  [39] 和丹,权伟,等. 基于多尺度形态滤波和递归求差的冲击特征自适应分离方法[J].振动与冲击, 2023.

  [40] Ni Z, He D, Wang X, et al. Research on the detection of axle abnormal noise based on maximum autocorrelation kurtosis deconvolution[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 203: 109228.

  [41] Zhuo xue, He D, et al. A new mechanical compound fault diagnosis method based on morphological filter and RLS[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2023

  [42] Zhang, D., et al. "Direct fabrication of unsupported inclined aluminum pillars based on uniform micro droplets deposition." International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2017, 116: 18-24.

  [43] Zhang, D., et al. "Geometry control of closed contour forming in uniform micro metal droplet deposition manufacturing." Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017, 243: 474-480.

  [44] Zhang, D., et al. "Parameter mapping of deposition morphologies in uniform micro metal droplet deposition technology" Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2019.

  [45] Yang L P, Liu X, Xiao Y, et al. 3D Printing of Carbon Nanotube (CNT)/Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Functional Composites and Preparation of Highly Sensitive, Wide-range Detectable and Flexible Capacitive Sensor Dielectric Layers via Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) [J]. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, 8(7): 202201638.

  [46] Yang L P, Liu X, Xiao Y, et al. Additive manufacturing of carbon nanotube/ polylactic acid films with efficient electromagnetic interference shielding and electrical heating performance via fused deposition modeling [J].Synthetic Metals, 2023, 293: 117258.

  [47] Yang L P, Li S J, Zhou X, et al. Effects of carbon nanotube on the thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of PLA/CNT printed parts in the FDM process [J]. Synthetic Metals, 2019, 253, 122-130.

  [48] Yang L P, Li S J, Li Y, et al. Experimental Investigations for Optimizing the Extrusion Parameters on FDM PLA Printed Parts [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(1), 169-182.


  [1] 肖渊; 陈兰; 黄亚超; 张丹; 蒋龙,微滴喷射与化学沉积技术制备柔性导电线路的方法及装置, 授权, 2017.5.24, ZL201410239569.3;

  [2] 肖渊;尹博;李岚鑫;刘欢欢,一种柔性导电线路快速成型方法,授权, 2018.7.10, ZL201710007887.0;

  [3] 肖渊; 李红英; 张威, 一种嵌入式柔性导电线路的制造方法,授权,2020.8.4, ZL201910506415.9;

  [4] 肖渊;李红英;张威;王盼,静电纺丝与化学沉积制备柔性导电的方法及装置,授权,2022.1.10,,ZL201910081674.1;

  [5] 肖渊;李红英;马丽萍;张威;李倩, 一种超低阻柔性导电线路的制造方法,授权,2022.12.9,ZL 202010244789.0;

  [6] 肖渊; 李倩;马丽萍;杨鹏程;代阳,一种柔性可拉伸导电线路的制备方法, 授权,2023.4.7,CN111885841B;

  [7] 肖渊; 张成坤; 刘欢欢; 王盼, 一种平纹机织物的三维模拟方法, 授权,2023.3.7,CN109800532B;

  [8] 肖渊; 张威; 马丽萍; 陈驰; 王盼; 张李睿; 杨社强 ; 基于微滴按需喷射技术的织物传感器的制备方法及装置,2020.12,CN201811156891.4;

  [9] 肖渊; 刘进超; 陈驰 ; 一种单摆式人体运动能量采集器及其采集方法,授权, 2021.03,CN110401376B;

  [10] 肖渊; 张威; 李红英 ; 一种基于织物的电容式传感器及其制造方法,授权,2021.6,


  [11] 肖渊; 张成坤; 马丽萍;李倩;代阳, 一种阵列式自供电织物键盘的制造方法, 授权,2023.4.7,CN111562847B;

  [12] 肖渊;李岚馨;尹博;等, 基于碳纳米管的高导热柔性发热丝的制备方法.授权, 2018.05,CN107190510bB.

  [13] 杨鹏程,杨社强,等。一种适用于斜入式激光干涉测量镜头成像畸变的标定方法,2019,中国,发明专利,专利号:201910058504.1。

  [14] 杨鹏程,刘洋,等。斜入式激光干涉测量中动静压轴承夹持于调整一体化机构,2016,中国,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610573421.2。

  [15] 杨鹏程,刘洋,等。斜入式激光干涉测量中干涉条纹图像的拼接方法,2016,中国,发明专利,申请号:ZL 2016 1 0382967.X。

  [16] 杨鹏程,李颖,等。一种基于激光测量的X轴往复升降装置,2021,中国,实用新型,专利号:ZL 2020 2 0603581.9。

  [17] 杨鹏程,王兆辉,等。一种光强测试装置,2021,中国,实用新型,专利号:ZL 2020 2 1766206.2。

  [18] 杨鹏程,戴雨志,等。一种芯片自动装夹装置,2020,中国,实用新型,专利号:ZL 2019 2 0809221.1。

  [19] 杨鹏程,王少伟,等。斜入式激光干涉测量中待测动静压轴承夹持与调整装置,2016,中国,实用新型,专利号:ZL 201620768054.7。

  [20] 杨鹏程,王伟龙,等。斜入式激光干涉测量中斜齿轮的夹持与调整装置,2016,中国,实用新型,专利号:ZL 201620766353.7。







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